December 25, 2020

Amortization vs. Depreciation


  • Amortization and depreciation are two methods of calculating the value for business assets over time.


  • Amortization is the practice of spreading an intangible asset's cost over that asset's useful life.
    • Intangible assets include:
      • Patents and trademarks, franchise agreements, copyrights, cost of issuing bonds to increase capital, organizational costs, etc
  • Typically expended on a straight line basis 
    • meaning the same amount is expended in each period over the asset's useful life


  • Depreciation is the expensing of a fixed asset over its useful life. Fixed assets are tangible assets
    • Tangible assets include: 
      • buildings, equipment, office furniture, vehicles, land, machinery, etc
  • Depreciation of some fixed assets can be done on an accelerated basis 
    • meaning that a larger portion of the asset's value is expensed in the early years of the asset's life. 
      • For example, vehicles are typically depreciated on an accelerated basis.

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