January 27, 2013

Singapore Condominium

Amenities normally included
  • (lap) pool
  • wading pool
  • BBQ pits
  • Fitness corner
  • Tennis court
  • Basketball court
  • Jogging track

Monthly rent
  • For a unit with 2 rooms and 2 baths: S$ 3,500 ~ 3,800 (January 2013 currently)
  • For one master room: S$ 1,200 ~ 1,500
  • For one common room: S$ 900 ~ 1,000
    • Common room is smaller than master room and does not include bathroom inside.

Korean community for renting

Condo name: Carabelle


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    1. This comment is really encouraging. Thanks a lot! I will keep updating this blog as a note.
