January 17, 2021

Adenosine & caffeine


  • Adenosine itself is a neuromodulator and is believed to play a role in promoting sleep and suppressing arousal
  • Our body produces adenosine in the brain when fatigue builds up
    • Adenosine keeps accumulating while awake
  • c.f., Adenosine recepter
    • A pressure gauge in the brain that senses sleep pressure
    • The more adenosine biomolecule sticks to it (= adenosine recepter), the higher the sleep pressure in the brain feels. 
  • Caffeine disturbs the sleep pressure gauge
    • Caffeine is a molecule similar in structure to adenosine, so it sticks to the adenosine receptor, but unlike adenosine, the receptor does not recognize it as a fatigue signal.
      • Caffeine is only blocking the place where adenosine will attach.
  • So, if caffeine accumulates and the receptors are saturated, does the sleep pressure gauge completely fail?
    • Because caffeine is a xenobiotic substance, that is, a foreign substance that has entered the body, our body dispatches enzymes to break it down.
      • around 5 fours
        • The effects of caffeine vary greatly from person to person, that is, from genome to genome.


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